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TrueJob Interview - Phil Santer, SVP of Ann Arbor SPARK
3 minute overview - Economic Development Organizations
3 minute overview - Trade and Professional Associations
Use a Job Board to Revolutionize Your EDO's Branding and Marketing Strategy
Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) are constantly looking for ways to promote their brand and their region, with the goal of attracting new companies and employees and demonstrating value to the organizations that fund them.
How can you be expected to find the time, the money, and the inspiration to market your EDO and enhance your organization's brand in your community?
The solution is to focus on the one simple issue that gets everyone's attention: JOBS.
This webinar features special guest Jenn Cornell, VP of Marketing and Communications at Ann Arbor SPARK.
Talent Attraction Shouldn't Be So Hard: An Overview For Your Economic Development Organization
Employers across the country are struggling to find qualified talent for their open positions. Overcoming this challenge improves economic growth and regional prosperity.
In this webinar, we share strategies and tools you can use to improve the brand of your region and Economic Development Organization (EDO). We walk through a talent attraction plan that can serve as a guide for your EDO's existing efforts or as a starting place for a new initiative. We also discuss how a job board can be an essential part of your success.
Why a job board is essential for your Economic Development Organization's success
This webinar takes an in depth look at the key features and metrics EDO's should look for in job boards, includes a demonstration of a job board on an EDO website, and discusses benefits for your association. This webinar also features special guest Phil Santer, SVP at Ann Arbor SPARK.
Why a job board can be an essential part of your association's success
This webinar takes an in depth look at the key features association's should look for in job boards, includes a demonstration of a job board on an association website, and discusses benefits for your association.
Case studies

"We didn't want a generic job board. TrueJob offered the functionality and technical assets that we envisioned. It was a big decision to upgrade our legacy system, but it became clear to us that TrueJob was the right product for our needs."
Phil Santer, SVP Ann Arbor SPARK
Ann Arbor SPARK
Ann Arbor SPARK is dedicated to the economic prosperity of the greater Ann Arbor region. It uses its skills and knowledge to attract, develop, strengthen, and invest in driving industries to help the region thrive. Most of all, it is committed to job growth.
Ann Arbor SPARK replaced an existing job board with TrueJob. Using TrueJob, Ann Arbor SPARK has seen:
- Increased employer participation (100+ local employers posting jobs)
- Increased job seeker participation (68% higher apply conversions)
- More data they can provide to members and funders to prove their value to the community
Watch the launch announcement at the SPARK annual meeting
White papers

TrueJob Report Book - Metrics & Analytics
Want to know what metrics and analytics TrueJob can record for your organization? Download this document and see screenshots and descriptions of the key pieces of data we track via our platform.

Job Board - A Critical Tool for an EDO
Read our concise overview of why a job board is a critical tool for EDOs and can translate into more sponsorships and funding for your EDO.

Job Board - A Strategic Tool for an Association
Read our concise overview of how a job board can be a strategic tool that translates into more members and revenue for your association.
Quick guides
8 Requirements of a Job Board for EDOs - Quick Guide
If you are looking to add a job board to economic development organization website, you'll want to have eight key requirements that are essential to making sure that job board is a success. TrueJob implements all these eight criteria into it's software, because it was built with edos in mind.
Download this document if you want a quick overview of these eight criteria and why they are important to the success of your job board.
8 Requirements of a Job Board for Associations - Quick Guide
If you are looking to add a job board to economic development organization website, you'll want to have eight key requirements that are essential to making sure that job board is a success. TrueJob implements all these eight criteria into it's software, because it was built with edos in mind.
Download this document if you want a quick overview of these eight criteria and why they are important to the success of your job board.
8 Requirements of a Job Board for Economic Development Organizations - Full Guide
This ebook will cover:
Background information on EDOs and their job portal needs
Employers and their needs
Job seekers and their needs
The eight fundamental requirements a job portal must have to fit the needs of everyone above
The benefits these requirements have for EDOs, job seekers, and employers
Decisions to be made by an EDO when setting up their job portal
Supporting material that should be produced before launching or re-launching a job portal
Questions to be addressed
This eBook will help economic development organizations and their corporate clients better understand the needs of the various stakeholders so that they can properly select a job board that accounts for the needs of those stakeholders.